Camp & Can you say Minature Schnauzers

Well, camp was great as usual after we cut grass that was knee high!!!  It took us two days to get it looking good again, than the relaxing time came.
Cooked some great meals while I was there , surprised everyone as you see I have two cooks at home so I don’t get to show off much execpt at camp!!
You see hubby and my Mom cook most of the time and I told them I had this past weekend under control and everyone was fed well. I did not take any pictures at camp this trip,duh, just was too busy, but hubby and I are going back to stay for a week soon and then I should have time to take pictures.
On Sunday , we went to the large flea market that is about 3 miles from our camp and I did find some treasures.  I found a kennel for my new puppy and some colias that had some of the biggest leaves ever and I don’t know if I spelt that right or not?  Anyway, the colia did not make it home without some damage.  I was shutting the gate and Benji thought I was leaving him and he jumped right into the middle of it!! ugh , oh well I salvaged what I could, but Mom’s made it and here is what mind did look like
Speaking of Mom , I took her to the orthapedic dr. on Tuesday and both of her knees are shot.  They want to replace both of them!  For right now she opt for shots to see if that will help with the pain of getting up and down.  I worry about Mom having the surgery as she is not active and I spoke to physical therpy and they said she would have to keep active or they would lock up on her.  My Mom is not active enough to keep this from happening , so I am hoping the shots will help her and we can put off the surgery for a while.
Now for who I picked as my new Minature Schnauzer, well I know I said previously that I only was going to get one, but cuteness and the need for two just took me over and so my dear space friends I would like to introduce to you :  Hub and Sadie, they are eight weeks old and I really enjoying, well almost execpt for the training part!! LOL.  It has been a while since I’ve had to train a puppy potty duties.  They are doing great or rather I am  as I see them running in the search mode I pick them up  and outside we go and so far so good. I kennel them at night and when I have something to do here at the house I have down these puppy pad and they use them. YEAH!!!  They still sleep a lot, but when they are awake they chase one another all over the house and Benji right at their heels.  He watches over them like a mother hen.  If they growl in their play he is right there to settle it.  He has made it so easy for me to bring these two pups into the house.  Ok, I will stop as I know you have heard all you want to hear about these puppies. So below is Hub and Sadie! Ta Dah
Hayden got a hair cut yesterday and he looks so grown up.  He still won’t talk just points and grunts , he understands everything you say or tell him to do but he will not talk??? His hearing is fine and from what I hear if he is not talking by the time he is three we should worry?  He will say Ma Ma, Da Da, Pa Paw , Bubba (which is my son ) and of course he will say Ma Maw!!! (Beaming here) He can say duck too, but thats it, like I said the rest is point and grunt!! His dr. doesn’t seem to be  concern about this so I’m not going to either.  I guess when he is ready he will let it fly!
We have had so much rain, I want it to stop for a while and let me cut my grass, we are suppose to get heavy showers again this afternoon!! So I guess it will be Saturday before I get the grass cut.
I think I told you guys my son is living here with me as he couldn’t find a nursing job in Ohio and he came back here to work, well he got a job in Ohio and he will be leaving June 11th and I will miss him so.  He works a lot but when he is here , he and I have the best time and he talks to me a lot and I will miss those talks on the porch.  He always had something funny to tell me about the patients and some of the things they do.  I will miss that , but now Ohio is his home so I will adjust.
Ok , my last tid bit for you is my flat screen left again today for Kentucky!!!  Soon after we purchased it, these lines appeared down the sides , so they came and picked it up and after TWO months we got our tv back! Last week the lines were back and I called the manufacture since it was out of warranty of course but it was an existing problem so they did extend my warranty and have it picked up to evaluate it and if they can’t fix it they are going to replace it!!!  I couldn’t believe it so I guess what they say is true the squeaking wheel gets the grease!  I did however asked them please not to take two months to make a decision.
Ok, I’m done and I hope you are happy and having a wonderful week.
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14 Responses to Camp & Can you say Minature Schnauzers

  1. Sue says:

    Wow! Sounds like you had a great time at camp. Where was this camp? New pups looks so cute—but boy are they going to keep you going! But it looks like you have things well under control—be a good pack leader, as Cesar Milan would say. Be sure to take lots of pics of them while they are still pups. I treasure my puppy pics of our dog now that she is getting old (11 years old). Have a great week yourself…

  2. Terry says:

    Patsy the pups are adorable! I know they will keep you busy and very much entertained! I love puppies!!!! GLad you had a good time camping, is your camp in your favorite spot you had talked about earlier? Beautiful country down there. Hope your mom gets better with the shots. I\’ve gotten a lot of stuff done in the yard but we are having some rain now also. Our nights still haven\’t warmed up much, still in the low 40\’s! Can\’t believe it, hope it warms soon. Have a great week.

  3. Sarah says:

    Sounds like things are going great and the puppies are SO CUTE!! Have fun with them! How does Hayden like those babies?

  4. Rambling says:

    Precious puppies girl.

  5. Babblelot says:

    You sure are busy! Your plant will be fine I think. Oh how could you resist both pups huh? So cute and sounds like Benji has taken on being mother hen. Give him extra hugs for that. It\’s hard to let go but I\’m glad he got a job. Problems again with the flat screen? I hope they replace it for ya and be done with it eh? You have a wonderful week too.

  6. Rhonda says:

    Oh my gosh those are the sweetest little pups…I just knew you would get two..LOL!I\’m sorry to hear about your Mom…I\’m sure that is not easy for her…will keep her in my How old is Hayden? I have the same issue with Emma. She is so smart but not forming real words…she does the same thing you describe from Hayden. She has been in a Toddler Group for Speech and I have someone come to the house once a week and she actually uses the sign language more than words. Her hearing was checked and is fine too. She excells in every other area but just doesn\’t seem to want to talk.Hope you get some sun soon…weather has been rainy and cool here for days too…feels like Fall.Hugs

  7. Jean says:

    They are adorable!! I knew two were in the plans!! Would your mom be more active if her knees didn\’t hurt? My mom had that done, and is so thrilled with the results!! But, she is very active, so we didn\’t have that to worry with.. I was kind of like Hayden. Mom made my brother stop "interpreting", and I took off with full sentences. He probably will, too, when he doesn\’t get results with grunting.. Sounds like camp was a blast!lol I\’ve heard lots of people have trouble with the newer technology tvs. Hope they get yours sorted out soon!!Glad you\’re doing well..hugs,Jean

  8. JENNALACEY says:

    Hi Patsy, no the spelling is \’coleous\’ as i used to grow them but when at hubbys house they just wouldnt do well of course he never gave the dirt any nutrition and im not the farmer lol . But always grew them indoors jsut fine. I would take slips from the yard of my apt bldg and use them. A camping trip sounds so wonderful.Hope your mom gets better. Actually my hubby said after hs first hip replacement that he felt wonderful but this second one is giving him losts of pain for the past 5 mons. Very strange but its up to him to see the doctor, Those puppies are adorable. What are you gonna call them? Are we gonna get a contest going? lol.have a great week darling love you muchxxxxxto hayden

  9. Charlotte says:

    oh, your puppies are soooo cute… have a great rest of the week. hugs, lottemae

  10. CAROL says:

    PUPPIESsssss My favorite!!! WIsh I had them here with me!! Many hugs for them and you. That plant must have had some miracle grow! The leaves are huge indeed! Sounds like camp was busy for sure. At least you get to go back too. OHIO is not that far you can always make a road trip!! heeehe I know !! About your mom.. my mom refused to have the knee surgery.. she went into a wheelchair soon after that. She had many cortisone shots to help along the way and takes pain pills once a day.THAT WAS almost 8 years ago! If she had a wheelchair that is motorized she would find that it would make things so much better. Mom hasn\’t gotten that far yet. With all the other ills involved we just aren\’t sure yet. She must keep her upperbodyin shape and the excercises from a sitting position are the KEY to keeping well. My two cents anyway…GOOD grief what a mess on the flat screen. Glad I dont have one. Hope your week goes well too and is partially dry! hehehTake care : )

  11. Pau says:

    The puppies are adorable and I love the picture of the coleus…it\’s a nuisance when you keep waiting for the tv to come back…I hope you\’re doing well…I\’m not much here anymore, who knows maybe someday I will completely dissapear, lol…take good care and enjoy your week darling, xxhugs, Pauline

  12. Sue says:

    Your puppy are just so so cuteHope you have a good weekTake careSue

  13. Barbara says:


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