Meeting with Beth Marie

I’m not going to blog about my meeting with Beth Marie, as it is her trip I will let her tell you about her trip and our meeting.  I will tell you this she is wonderful and so are her family. I will blog later about Beth my friend.
I do however have this for you, Like they say a picture is worth a thousand words!!!

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Camp & Can you say Minature Schnauzers

Well, camp was great as usual after we cut grass that was knee high!!!  It took us two days to get it looking good again, than the relaxing time came.
Cooked some great meals while I was there , surprised everyone as you see I have two cooks at home so I don’t get to show off much execpt at camp!!
You see hubby and my Mom cook most of the time and I told them I had this past weekend under control and everyone was fed well. I did not take any pictures at camp this trip,duh, just was too busy, but hubby and I are going back to stay for a week soon and then I should have time to take pictures.
On Sunday , we went to the large flea market that is about 3 miles from our camp and I did find some treasures.  I found a kennel for my new puppy and some colias that had some of the biggest leaves ever and I don’t know if I spelt that right or not?  Anyway, the colia did not make it home without some damage.  I was shutting the gate and Benji thought I was leaving him and he jumped right into the middle of it!! ugh , oh well I salvaged what I could, but Mom’s made it and here is what mind did look like
Speaking of Mom , I took her to the orthapedic dr. on Tuesday and both of her knees are shot.  They want to replace both of them!  For right now she opt for shots to see if that will help with the pain of getting up and down.  I worry about Mom having the surgery as she is not active and I spoke to physical therpy and they said she would have to keep active or they would lock up on her.  My Mom is not active enough to keep this from happening , so I am hoping the shots will help her and we can put off the surgery for a while.
Now for who I picked as my new Minature Schnauzer, well I know I said previously that I only was going to get one, but cuteness and the need for two just took me over and so my dear space friends I would like to introduce to you :  Hub and Sadie, they are eight weeks old and I really enjoying, well almost execpt for the training part!! LOL.  It has been a while since I’ve had to train a puppy potty duties.  They are doing great or rather I am  as I see them running in the search mode I pick them up  and outside we go and so far so good. I kennel them at night and when I have something to do here at the house I have down these puppy pad and they use them. YEAH!!!  They still sleep a lot, but when they are awake they chase one another all over the house and Benji right at their heels.  He watches over them like a mother hen.  If they growl in their play he is right there to settle it.  He has made it so easy for me to bring these two pups into the house.  Ok, I will stop as I know you have heard all you want to hear about these puppies. So below is Hub and Sadie! Ta Dah
Hayden got a hair cut yesterday and he looks so grown up.  He still won’t talk just points and grunts , he understands everything you say or tell him to do but he will not talk??? His hearing is fine and from what I hear if he is not talking by the time he is three we should worry?  He will say Ma Ma, Da Da, Pa Paw , Bubba (which is my son ) and of course he will say Ma Maw!!! (Beaming here) He can say duck too, but thats it, like I said the rest is point and grunt!! His dr. doesn’t seem to be  concern about this so I’m not going to either.  I guess when he is ready he will let it fly!
We have had so much rain, I want it to stop for a while and let me cut my grass, we are suppose to get heavy showers again this afternoon!! So I guess it will be Saturday before I get the grass cut.
I think I told you guys my son is living here with me as he couldn’t find a nursing job in Ohio and he came back here to work, well he got a job in Ohio and he will be leaving June 11th and I will miss him so.  He works a lot but when he is here , he and I have the best time and he talks to me a lot and I will miss those talks on the porch.  He always had something funny to tell me about the patients and some of the things they do.  I will miss that , but now Ohio is his home so I will adjust.
Ok , my last tid bit for you is my flat screen left again today for Kentucky!!!  Soon after we purchased it, these lines appeared down the sides , so they came and picked it up and after TWO months we got our tv back! Last week the lines were back and I called the manufacture since it was out of warranty of course but it was an existing problem so they did extend my warranty and have it picked up to evaluate it and if they can’t fix it they are going to replace it!!!  I couldn’t believe it so I guess what they say is true the squeaking wheel gets the grease!  I did however asked them please not to take two months to make a decision.
Ok, I’m done and I hope you are happy and having a wonderful week.
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My week so far:
Monday:  I went in to work for my one day a week.  My boss thinks we may have a floor planner in about two weeks.  Keep your fingers crossed.  I don’t know if it’s too late or not?   Our biggest selling season is March, April & May and a little into June?  I guess what will be will be.  I hope for his sake there are people out there looking for a camper pass the selling season>   I will keep you updated.  
Tuesday:  My day started with Hayden at 7:00 am because his Mom worked a second job.  So he and I played outside most of the day.  By noon he was exgausted and so was I. LOL.   As most of you know I had already planted my flowers and guess what on Sunday and Monday night we had a frost.  The first night I  covered them all up with newspaper and no frost, so I thought ok, I will be ok since it’s only frosting in the upper elevations, well thats what I get for thinking.  It frosted tuesday night and I didn’t cover them up!!! I was in a panic and my husband said go spray them with water before the sun hits them and it will melt the frost and he was right.  I put the hose on sprinkle and I checked for damage and there was none. I am one happy camper. I had put a lot of work into them.
Here are some of them:
Also here is my rose bush in buds and then open up today:
So you can see what I have been doing , babying these plants, and as your figured out I just love flowers, the more the merrier.
Wednesday:  Mowed the yard and did weed eating here and my Mom’ s place.  Worked on it until about 3:00PM.  Wanted to get it done before Hayden came and with the help of hubby I got this accompolished.  Yeah Pat.  One of the reasons I also wanted it done is I need tomorrow to get loaded up to head to our little camp on the Greenbrier river.  This will be the first time we’ve been this year and I know the grass is knee high, so again more grass cutting, but when we get that done and if the river isn’t up we are going fishing and kayaking.  We will pack tomorrow and leave early Friday morning and return on Monday evening.  It’s a holiday weekend and I figure the traffic on the turnpike will be awful, but it will be worth it once we get there and just enjoy the peace and quiet.  How could you not enjoy this :
I also made a decision on the puppy, I am only going to get one, the little male and go from there.  I think I was trying to replace Homer and Liem the two I lost and I know now they can never be replaced so I’m only picking one.  I will get him on Monday after we get back from camp.  I am excited though as they are the smartest little dogs, so easy to train and since I have Benji I will still be a two dog woman!!!  Speaking of Benji I also gave him a hair cut today and I’m getting better, still not ready to post a picture yet. LOL
Tomorrow I have to take Mom to the Dr. , she does pretty good, but her legs are giving her fits, she can hardly get up and down and walking is so painful. Hopefully they can help her tomorrow.  I will keep you posted.
So there you have not very exciting, but that has been my week so far.  I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and stay safe if you are traveling.
Thanks for being the best friends ever.
Hugs, Pat
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Pick me Pick me

Last evening my friend bought over the minature schnauzer puppies for me to see.  Remember I told you that her schnauzer had four puppies , well the runt of the litter died and I so wanted the runt as my Homer was a runt and look how handsome he was:  Homer is on the right and Liem is on the left another handsome dude.
Well, she bought the three remaining and let me have a look at them , there is one male and two females, do I pick one, do I pick two and have a male and female, I really wanted two males but I guess I’m looking to find Homer and Liem again and thats not going to happen.  Now my decision is to pick one of the little girls as I do want a male also.    Another reason I had her to bring them out was so I could see how Benji , my rescue would act around the puppies, I was not going to make his life miserable ,  AS it turned out he loved them, he started grooming them like they were his pups, I could not believe it, I remember his previous owner said her cat had a litter of kittens and he would lay in the box with them and gurard them, so I guess it will be ok. 
So here are the new babies , who would you pick for me?
I’m definetely going to pick the male who is on the far right and the one on the left and middle are the females, so how do I choose.???
Anyway I am so excited as next week I will be able to bring them home with me for good.
Hope you have a wonderful  weekend and plenty of sunshine coming your way.
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Flooding & Mothers Day

I thought I’d better post a blog about the flooding here in the state since so many of you have asked me if I’m Ok.  I guess we made the national news with all the flooding around here.  Thank you so much for your emails, and notes , I should have known my space family would have been worried.  I worry about you all , never thought you would worry about me?  I should have known better.  Thanks again and I’m Ok.   The flooding was in the southern part of our state where there is a lot of coal mines.  You see a lot of these coal companies come in and do what is called strip mining.  They remove the coal from the surface and in doing this they remove all the trees, dirt, plants that hold water back when it rains  there is nothing to hold it back therefore there is severe flooding .  We have had lots and lots of rain over the last couple of weeks  and it proved to be too much .  The coal companies say they put our land back the way it looked before strip mining, but obviously this is not true in some areas of the state.  I know we need the coal for this country and jobs for a lot of people here in West Virginia but they all don’t keep their word on putting the land back as it was. They take these beautiful hills and strip them of everything, not even a blade of grass is left.  There are lots of court cases against these companies but as for our people in southern WV it’s too late.  The pictures they show on the local news is awful.  Homes, business, schools everything is covered with mud and ruined.  The govenor has declared a state of ememgency for these folks to help them get back on their feet, they have nothing left it all washed away.  One school was so badly damaged that they are not returning to school this year because it will take so long for them to clean up the mess the waters left.  That means no graduation, proms at their school. How sad is that?  I could go on and on about how I feel about strip mining,  until they enforce the laws on these coal companies, the flooding will continue and these beautiful hills we have here will be no more.  Hubby and I go to the southern part of the state often as he was born and raised there and he gets the saddest look on his face (and sometimes cuss) over what they have done to these beautiful mountains.  The saddest thing of all is seeing these folks on the news with blank stares on their faces with nothing left, but they are a tough bunch and they are always thankful for their lives.  Most of them will rebuild , even though it could happen again, they love thier "Wild and Wonderful West Virginia"
My Mothers Day was wonderful.  All of my children were here and the grandkids and my mother.  My Mom and I fixed food and the oldest daughter came with more food, needless to say we had plenty.  It was a beautiful day, the rain had stopped and the sun shined brightly and after lunch we all went outside either to sit on the porch or play in the yard.  Here is a picture of the whole gang execpt for one of the grandkids who had to work . That was Nic who had to work. In this picture I’m surrounded by my Mom, three children, and 5 of my grandchildren and of course my great grandson Hayden.  I’m very proud and love them all.
Also here is one of the 5 generations. Look how he has grown.
Well the sun is shining today and I’m going to get up and get the house tidy a little bit and then head outside and cut some grass .  I hope you have sun shining where you are and again thanks for all of your concern.  As my dear friend Al use to say, "Love ya and mean it"
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Gone but not Forgotten

You were the first man friend I had on spaces and right off we hit it off.  I became so fond of him, he was like an old friend I looked forward to talking to each day.
Even though we hadn’t met in person, it was like I had known him all my life.  When you laughed, he laughed , when you cried, he cried, and when you teased , he teased back, Always, Always there for you no matter what.  Thats the Al I knew.
Last Memorial Day I had red white and blue petunias and in the pot there were three American flags, one for my dad, my husband and my buddy Albert Wren.
As you know dear friend I don’t know how to post graphics, but this was the picture I gave you last year.
I told him I was going to DC this summer and I was going to visit the Vietnam Memorial and he asked me If I would stand in silence and salute all those brave men for him.  Always thinking of others.  That will be the first thing I do is salute your fellow commrades and then you my friend.
In loving memory of my friend Albert Wren whom I will never forget and the friendship he extended to me in this world we call spaces.
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Spring Flowers

I was walking outside this afternoon because it finally quit raining.  So I though I would share my spring flowers with you.
This first picture is my Iris Bed.  They are bulbs I bought home from my mother in laws place after she passed away. She loved them and so I dug up some of her bulbs and when I see them bloom I think of her.  She passed away in 1992.
This is a try at a close up of one of the blooms.  I still need to figure how to use this camera and get clearer shots
What would be a blog without a picture of Hayden ???  Hayden likes them too.
Next is a close up and distance photo of my Peony bush which my mother in law gave me too.
If you are wondering what those two graves are they are my minature schnauzer graves.  They would  loved to pee on this Peony bush, I guess to them the Peony smelled like pee.??? 
This next one is of my Rhoadadendrun bush my son and his friend gave me for Easter and it bloomed this week. The blooms are bigger than the bush. Still beautiful and it’s WV’s state flower
I hope you enjoy these as much as I liked sharing them with you.
In case I don’t get to blog before Mother’s Day I wish all of my space friends who are mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day.
and to those of you who aren’t mothers have a happy day anyway. 
Hugs to you All.
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Just a Blog Post

  Well it has been over 10 days since I posted anything , so I thought I would catch you up on my boring life.
First lets talk about my job or not job?  I go in every Monday and catch up paperwork for the boys and clean my office.  Our business is still  in limbo and with only having 13 campers on the lot to sell the pickins are slim!!! We usually have about 250 campers on the lot!!! With no floor planner we can’t even buy campers to sell and it seems like the "Change" is not going to help our little business.  It makes me so sad to go in and see inventory so low and the boys struggling to hang on and wishing the lending institutes would let go of some of that money the goverment gave them!!!  I plan on retiring in January, but these are young men who put everything they had into this business and just a letter coming through the US mail from one of the biggest money markets in the world says we are cancelling all RV flooring!!!   I wish I could tell you it’s going to be ok but being their bookkeeper I know better.  I will be ok but it breaks my heart to know that my boss will have to start all over again after he worked so hard to build this business.  Maybe "Change" will come I just hope it isn’t too late for the RV industry.
So you ask what are you doing with the other 6 days of the week.  Well, my house is spotless, I clean a lot and I’ve been painting and with the weather being better I have really worked on my flowers and garden.  Last week I planted some punkin seeds on some ground that use to house a chicken coop!! I checked on them yesterday and they are up and talk about good fertlizer I’ve got it!!!  My lawn looks great as I have the time now to cut it regular and I do all of the weedeating .  I finally got my riding mower back from repairs and it was great after pushing it for three weeks!! I still have some areas I have to push but that I can handle. Pushing the whole lawn is a woman killer!!!!
Two days a week I keep my sweet Hayden.  Those days are dedicated into doing what Hayden wants to do as being the great-grandmother that I am I spoil him rotten.  I pull him around in my wagon, we play on the swing set, we go to the fish pond , we check out my flowers or we just sit on the floor and play with his toys it’s totally Hayden’s call.
Last night was my last night of bowling for the season.  I ended up doing pretty good, didn’t get the 600 series I wanted but I was close. Oh well maybe next year.
Tonight our next door neighbors invited Hubby and I out for dinner.  We ate Mexican and it was great.  I always get the same thing because I’m afraid to try something different and then don’t like it so I stick with what I know.  Also today was Cinco de Mayo , the holiday that honors Mexican Victory over the French Army in 1862 and to celebrate this the resturant where we had dinner offered giant Margaritas at a very low price.  Needless to say I didn’t have one as most of you know I am goofy enough without adding alcohol to the mixture!!!  
Another thing I wanted to share with you all that my space friend and most of yours, Beth Marie and I are going to try to get together in June!!!   She is coming here to WV to visit her sister and we have plans to meet.   Her nephew lives in my little town , talk about a small world huh?  Anyway I’m excited about she and I getting together.  You know she and I will take pictures to share with you. 
I’m making plans to go to DC this summer, I want to take the camper and stay in Virginia and take the metro to see the city.  I especially want to go see the World War II Memorial and the Vietnam Memorial as my dad was a WWII vet and a lot of my friends are /were Vietnam vets.  Then I want to plan a trip to Branson , MO and to Maggie Valley.  I think I can pull this off since I’m not working now, I’ve made these plans before and they have fallen through because of work and other things out of my controll would come up.  Hopefully I can pull it off this year.???
Did I tell you all about my grandson Nic going into the Marines in September?  You remember he came to live with me for a while and then moved out, well this past winter he decided to go into the military.  I’m so proud of him , trying to do something positive with his life and his country.  He has already been sworn in and he goes for weekly meetings for physical training. He is really into it.  I wish only the best for him.
Ok I have one more thing to tell you and I will quit babbling.  As most of you know I am a dog lover and in 2007 I lost my two beloved Minature Schnauzers to cancer within 4 months of each other.  So in about 5 weeks I am going to get two more from the same litter that was born three weeks ago.  One of my friends got a minature schnauzer after she fell in love with my two.  Well she knew how it hurt me so when I lost those two precious dogs so when her schnauzer had babies three weeks ago she called me and said I could have the pick of the litter. I was thrilled, I know they won’t be Homer and Liem but I do so love the breed.  I get to pick one and purchase one I hope at a reduced price!!! LOL  I want two males and her little dog had two males and two females.  I will keep you posted.  Don’t worry about Benji my rescue he’s staying too, he helped me so much when I lost the schnauzers, I hope he will adjust to them as he is so attached to me.  If you have any suggestgions on bringing these two pups into his world I would so appreciate it.
Talk about Welcome to spring how’s this for a welcome.  This was taken in my back yard where my feeder hangs. wish I had a better focus on it.
Need some pointers from my friend Rambling ON:
Ok I’m done, Have a great week.
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My ride, How I met my significant other & Anticipation

There you go, I’m trying to catch up with everyone else.  When the weather is pretty I am usually outside and since I’m not working I’ve been out a lot lately!!!
Hope I”m not too late or this could be old news! LOL
Now to catch up:
This is my ride as most of you know I got it back in November of 2008.  It gets 40 miles to the gallon  and it is a diesel.  I know I should have bought a General Motors product but they didn’t have anything that got me with this kind of mileage. Not working and getting ready to retire I had to look out for me.  All my life I have GM products and this is the second time I had to choose otherwise.
HOW I MET MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER:   My neighbor was having a horse shoe game going and they needed another person so they could have Four players, so I walked over because I love to play horse shoes.  I was at one end and my significant other was at the other and he was in the Navy and so cute in his uniform and every time he would throw a horse shoe he would wink!  Now 45 years later this July he still winks at me and they said it would never last because I was so young!! Fooled all of them huh?  He is my best friend.
I hope you don’t get tired of my Hayden stories but I really wanted to share this one with you.  As you know its warm here and the first grass cutting was a couple of weeks ago.  Hayden had never seen a lawn mower before and he was amazed at what this machine did.  Hubby was cutting the back hill and I had to raise the blinds so he could see this machine operate and hubby was not in view and here he is waiting for that buzzing machine to come by:
Then Pa Paw comes into view and he was so excited:
The things that facinate a child is wonderful.  He’s got so many adventures ahead of him and I want to enjoy everyone of them with him.  Here is a picture after he see’s Pa Paw going by?  I think he wanted to know if Pa Paw was coming back by ??
Sorry for the dirty face but we had been outside and he didn’t want to be cleaned up at the moment because he was watching this thing called a lawn mower.LOL
Today I cut grass, planted some flowers as it was 87 degrees today seemed like July instead of April!!  I am spent so I will end here and I hope you are all well and doing great.
Hugs to you all.
His little face is dirty because we had just came inside from playing but he had to watch the grass cutting and I cleaned him up later. LOL
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Redbud + West Virginia = Spring

So here is how it is in West Virginia, they say if the Red bud Tree is blooming spring has arrived in West Virginia!!! Could have fooled me this morning as it was 40 degrees!!! Anyway I wanted to share this lovely tree with you.  Now I see it as purple in color, but all of West Virginia call it Red Bud?  Hopefully if you click on it the colors will show through.
"We do not see nature with our eyes ,but with understandings & our hearts" William Hazatt
We had a wonderful Easter as I hoped you all did.  We went to my oldest daughter’s for lunch and spent the afternoon.  Here is a picture of 4 of my 6 grandchildren taken in their Easter Frocks!!  Ma Maw and Pa Paw had to get into the picture too.
The twins will be seniors next year and their brother between them is in college and the other little guy is Christian who was adopted by my youngest daughter, he is 12 .  I didn’t get to see the other two grandchildren for Easter as they were working.  I didn’t get to see little Hayden either, hopefully his mommy took pictures for me to share with you.  He is suppose to come over today and if the weather will cooperate I’m going to let him have an Easter Egg Hunt, or at least try. He is 17 months old now so maybe he will get the idea?? Will let you know how that turns out! LOL
Take care dear friends and have a great day/week.
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